cautions. This procedure removes extra hanging skin, and patches up loose or stretched muscles, thereby, giving a better shape to the abdominal wall, its tone and structure. Tummy tuck Los Angeles also takes care of the skin that has stretch marks, which is generally on the lower abdomen.
Most patients complain of lot of discomfort and pain right after the operation. Others experience swelling, bruising, numbness, and overall tiredness due to the effect of medicines for the next few days.
Though in recent years many people have opted for it but it is still a very complex procedure. Not following surgeon’s advice religiously can hamper the recovery and may cause further discomfort to the patient.
•Surgeons usually suggest bending the legs at hips to lessen the strain on the muscles supporting abdominal wall for the first 4 days.
•On the fifth day of the week within the operation, the drainage tubes, that are put in during surgery to avoid fluids from accumulating within the body are removed. In the Los Angeles tummy tuck a support garment is given to the patient which is required to be worn for the next few days.
•The garment gives firm support to the newly shaped abdomen and helps to control the redness and swelling. Wearing the garment till the doctor advices is very important.
•Bathing is restricted for at least three to four days after the procedure, otherwise there are chances of the wound to turn into an infection.
•Leading Plastic surgeon Beverly Hills also suggests taking pain killers and advised medication regularly to avoid any complications later.
Any patient can expect healthy outcomes of a tummy tuck operation once these precautions are taken care of.
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